Welcome... Let's Get Started!

Watch the video to the right, then start your training :) 

First Thing's First... 

This is what you need to start rocking the Booths! 

Watch each video one at a time making sure to understand each section before moving on to the next one. Please ask questions when needed. 

Photo Booth Training Course

  1. Equipment Overview
  2. Difference In Photo Booth With Prints And Without Prints
  3. The Setup - Prints
  4. The Setup - Digital 
  5. How It Works?
  6. Troubleshooting Techniques
  7. Saving Afterward

Video Booth Training course

  1. Equipment Overview
  2. New Setup Video  
  3. Video Booth... The Software
  4. Setting Up The Microphone
  5. Saving Afterwards


Photo Booth Equipment Checklist

Video Booth Equipment Checklist 

HandyPrint Activation Code

Warehouse Location + Key Code