Since you spend hours a week on Instagram, you might as well use it for some wedding planning inspiration.
Using Instagram at Weddings
Instagram takes the place of wedding disposable cameras
With smart phones, everyone at a your wedding can capture memories. And now with Instagram you can collect all those memories in one place.
By using hashtags (#), you can see all your guests pictures in one place. You can get a glimpse of what your first dance looks like from uncle Buck - what the best mans speech looks like from Aunt Susie, even what it looks like from the DJ's perspective from Nice Guys DJ - all using instagram.
The wedding I DJ'd this past weekend had the foresight to see this useful technology and placed notes on all the tables that said something along the lines of... "We would love for you to share photos from your phone. Please use the free app Instagram and tag the picture #andrewrobinwed"
Check out a few of the pics from Andrew & Robin's wedding.